Thursday 2 May 2013

'Hearts of Darkness'

'Hearts Of Darkness' (1991) is a documentary on the production of the critically acclaimed 'Apocalypse Now'.

I watched 20 minutes of this documentary to get some ideas on how to edit our piece. I discovered some techniques that worked to great effect:

Whenever the narrator/voice over/person being interviewed says something of interest of importance, the film cuts back to him talking on-screen, subconsciously telling the audience that we should be listening to what he/she has to say, and not focusing too much on the other imagery. The concept of discussing something and then showing it visually on-screen to the audience also occurs.

Whilst editing our piece, I took this technique into effect and made sure that whenever something of importance was said by the dancers, the camera was on them. Whenever something not as important was said, I would overlay other imagery to maintain the audience's attention. 

From the use of soundtrack/sound effects, to the timing of the voice over and imagery all contribute to create a piece that maintains the audience's constant attention... our documentary featured both diegetic and non-diegetic sounds, and I feel it helped maintain the pace and fluency of the documentary.

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