Tuesday 19 February 2013

Documentary Pitch Powerpoint

We collaborated as a group and created a PowerPoint presentation that we presented to the class, below is the PowerPoint itself.

We decided to follow the traditional structure by firstly addressing the question 'What is Morris dancing?'... during one of the earlier sessions, it became apparent to me that a few people didn't actually no what Morris dancing was, this was a surprise as growing up I have often seen the dances performed in a variety of places...

So we aimed to give our audience a basic understanding of the topic in hand, and then led onto the main issue, the 'stereotype'.
By showing the traditional, stereotypical view of Morris dancing and explaining it, we then went on to showing the unknown side of the tradition.

We included a clip to the 'Hip Hop Grannies' short documentary that I briefly discussed earlier, and talked about how the short film may relate to what we're trying to achieve with ours.

The last few slides covered our aims, and how we plan to achieve our aims.

In conclusion, the pitch itself went well. We got positive and thorough feedback that we will take into consideration when producing our final piece.

With Alice having first-hand experience in the topic, I left her to do most of the talking, as she was able to answer all of the questions whilst portraying a positive image of the tradition to the audience.

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