Monday 25 February 2013

Workshop Session

For our last documentary session, we were in the workstation studio practising different techniques to documentary filmmaking. This primarily involved conducting and practising interviews and how to set them up.
A practise interview.

We took it in turns being the interviewee and the interviewer. We learnt techniques that would help us get the best response/footage from the subject... 

• Not to be afraid to ask them to move around if incase (e.g.) the lighting is not strong enough in a certain location. By telling the interviewee that they'll look better in a certain place, they should more than happily comply.

• Nodding and beckoning to the subject rather than responding with "Yes" and "Mhmm"

• When shooting handheld, we practised keeping the subject in the frame as best as possible, and to move the camera around to whatever the subject is doing. For example if they pick something up, tilting the camera to show the audience what they're doing. By using almost 'common sense' techniques such as these, it can create a more natural feel to the piece; one factor that is key to documentary filmmaking. 

• Positioning the chairs in a certain way to allow you to frame the shot pleasingly. For example in a two way setup, placing the chairs together at an inwards angle as to allow the pair to look 'connected' with one another.

• Placing the interviewer's chair next to/close to the camera, so when the interviewee is talking, they're looking just off-screen, creating that connection with the audience. 

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