Sunday 17 February 2013

My Role - Editor

For this documentary production, my main role within the production is the editor. As well as this, I will also be assisting with the camera work as we're using a two camera set-up throughout the stages of filming.

Alice is the producer, Natalie is the primary cinematographer, and we're each sharing the directing role as we feel a balance of our input will contribute more effectively to the final piece than one person taking charge.

My role as an editor...

• Logging and capturing the footage - importing the footage onto the computer and creating sub-clips to create a more manageable template to work with.

• As an editor I may be able to offer a fresh eye on the narrative/camera, in other words when I look over the main footage that has been captured by Natalie, I will be able to draw up any fresh ideas to the look/feel we're aiming for.

• Colourist/grader - correcting any shots that look over-exposed or off-colour, there is only so much post-production you can do to an image however before it becomes too much.

• Sound syncing - Alice will mostly be taking care of this, whilst i'll be focusing on the visual edit.

• To create a piece that works and gels together smoothly. One that conveys the images in a light that will produce a positive response from the audience... in order to achieve this I will create a structure.

Rough structure 

Imagery of the stereotypical dances -> interviews -> more dances -> interviews -> imagery of less stereotypical morris dances -> interviews etc.

Walter Murch, one of the all time great editors of our time!

Throughout the piece I will attempt to create a vibrant energy to the edit, to achieve this I will a combination of techniques that include jump-cuts, layering (both visuals and sound), and upbeat (both diegetic and non-diegetic) sounds.

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